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Recent Blog Posts

  • Welcome to our new website!

    ProComm Cleaning & Janitorial Services would like to welcome you to our new website! If you have...


  • Eco Clean. Eco Green.

    Did you know that the choice of janitorial service is an important factor in the Greening of your...


Quality Control

Ensuring complete customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. At ProComm Cleaning & Janitorial Services, we accomplish this goal by monitoring the performance of each of our employees. Depending on the size of the facility, we may appoint an onsite supervisor to coordinate the duties of all of our employees on that site and check their work on a daily basis. For smaller facilities, a roving crew inspects the facility to ensure quality. Either way, a representative of ProComm Cleaning & Janitorial Services is responsible for checking on the cleanliness of each account to ensure you get exactly what you are paying for. This quality control procedure ensures complete customer satisfaction.

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